How to avoid paying taxes on luxury brand handbags
I was shopping for my client, a handbag in a specific color! It’s also my very favorite color. It has many names, most common are “Warm Grey” and “Taupe”. Finding handbags in this color is not a very easy task, because not many brands have it. Louis Vuitton & Chloe have it for $3000-6000.
But today I wanted to talk about Dolce&Gabbana ($1400+) because they have two versions of this color. They call it “Beige” and “Grey”. As you can see in the photos they really look like the same color. I had to contact D&G customer service to clarify. See photos in the carousel for colors.
To the point of saving money. There is an app called Farfetch. You can purchase any luxury brand anything NEW and used💃 and you DO NOT have to pay taxes or shipping costs. I ended up buying a new purse for my client there. The Dubai D&G shipped it via DHL and within several days I was able to deliver it!
Whats most important is that I was able to save my client $200+ because Farfetch has all the the import duties and taxes included in price.
Download the App by following the link on ♡. page in the menu.
Happy shopping! 🛍